Ring Sizing Guide: Find Your Perfect Fit

Finding your ring size is an important part of buying a ring, especially for online or catalog purchases. Though the best way to measure your finger is with a plastic or metal ring sizer, often available at your local jeweler, we offer a printable ring sizer for your convenience. But before you get started, consider these tips:
Measuring Your Finger
The Ring Sizer
Buying A Ring For Someone Else
You can estimate size by measuring the circumference of your finger, using the chart below. As this is not perfectly accurate, ideally ask for a free ring sizer kit.
Determine the ideal fit by making sure that the ring will be loose enough to go over your knuckle, but tight enough that it won't fall off.
Understand factors that change finger size and try to measure multiple times to get the best result.
Temperature: Warmer temperatures will cause your fingers to enlarge, while cooler temperatures will induce shrinking.
Time of Day: Typically, your fingers will be smaller in the morning when you wake up, and larger towards to end of the day.
Humidity: Higher humidity levels will often make your hands swell and feel sticky.
Foods: Certain foods, especially those high in salt or sugar, could temporarily make your fingers expand.
Medications: Ask your doctor or pharmacist if any of your medications can cause potential swelling or shrinking and take this into account before you measure your ring size.
Ring Width: Wider rings will feel much tighter than narrow rings, and top heavy solitaires need to be fairly tight to avoid excessive spinning.
Get Squared Away: If your knuckle is larger, ask your designer about a Euro shank. (There are two versions; softly squared to fit over the knuckle, and round with weighted lower corners.)
For a very large knuckle: An adjustable fit shank can be added to many designs as well as to many existing rings.

*Note: Circumference is the circular measurement, or perimeter. Diameter is the straight across measurement, or width.
Use a thick piece of paper or cardstock. Thin paper could cause ripping or twisting, which will lead to an inaccurate measurement.
Print in 100% resolution and do not scale or zoom. Then measure the cross hairs on the ring sizer with a ruler and make sure that it is exactly 1x1 inch.
Use an International ring size chart. Our ring sizer offers you the standard US sizes, which we use for all of our rings. If you are an international customer (outside of the US and Canada), your country will have a different standard. You can use this international ring size chart to convert your ring size to US sizes.
If you are purchasing a ring for someone else as either a gift or as an engagement ring, finding a ring size can be tricky. Here are some ideas when buying a ring as a surprise:
Ask someone who is close to your loved one if they know her size.
Use one of her rings to get a measurement (make sure it's the correct finger). Use the printable ring sizer or size chart above.
Purchase a ring that is easily resized. Some and styles can be resized one size up or down. You can find out if a ring is resizable by speaking with a jeweler. Typically eternity styles cannot be resized and smooth gold bands can. Call our experts at 304-296-9669 to find out if a particular ring can be resized.
Go with an average size. Statistically, the average women's ring finger is a size 6.5 or 7. Make sure the return policy gives you enough time, just in case you need to exchange it. Also, check to see if there are other sizes available.
We are happy to help you figure out the right ring size, or send you a free ring sizing kit anywhere in the US or Canada.
You need to know the size of the ring early in the design process. We have several ways to help you determine the size of the ring you want.
If you have a ring that fits, you can download this chart. You will need to print it out and place it on a flat surface.
It is very important that you measure your finger several times on different days, and at different times of day... and note, very few people ask us for a size that is too small.
Schedule a free sizing consultation.